Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10 years in Afghanistan

October 7 is the 10 year anniversary of the War in Afghanistan.  The war began in reaction to the 9/11 attacks on American soil, in hopes to put a stop on al Qaeda.  Looking back on all events in relation of the past 10 years....where are we now?

There are so many opinions that go both ways.  A soldiers view, a Marine's, a Civilian, an Afghan, the lost, and those back home. As a member of a Public Service Family, I was raised in the "Firefighter Brotherhood" mentality. When the issues of terrorism came to or borders, and threatened me, took members of the unbreakable bond, I felt there was a purpose to fight back. 

That was then, this is now.  Has the War dragged on?  We got Bin Laden and his architects of the attacks, are we out staying the welcome?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I know this has nothing to do with the "International" Arena, but I chuckled to myself inside. 
Recently Michelle Obama attended a fundraiser in New York in the company of her husband, our President.   Presenting herself professionally she also sported $42,000 in 10 carat diamond bracelets. 
"Everyone must sacrifice for the greater good... Everyone must have some skin in the game. Everyone but Barack and Michelle Obama," wrote Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit. "Michelle Obama wore $42,000 in bling to a DNC fundraiser this week."
I know it’s a petty thing.  I get the insignificance.  BUT as educated as Michelle Obama is, I wonder if she sees the bottom line. The times this nation is facing, where the economy struggles on a daily basis, and unemployment rates are near double digits, do they realize they are being insensitive?  I don't attend an Ivy League, my name will probably never be in shining lights and even I know what is appropriate for each situation.  Obviously I am not going wear designer to a soup kitchen.